

One in two people will be affected by cancer at some stage in their life. There are many different types of cancer and this page doesnt cover them all, but the general information will help you to access further information and support.

Understanding cancer
Men Like us
Cancer services

Improving Routine Breast Screening Appointments

Message on behalf of NHS England:

We want to find out what women think of their appointments, and what could be improved. We have an electronic form we would be grateful if you could share with patient groups in your trust Improving your routine breast screening appointment and attach a paper copy if you prefer to distribute this way.
The closing date is 31 March, which coincides with the breast cancer screening campaign which launches today – aimed at women who tend to come forward less to raise awareness and understanding of screening. This will be on TV, in press and social media as well as PR and partnerships.
We hope you can help us gather opinion on the breast screening programme in your area, and also share some of the assets of the breast screening campaign. If you have any patients who can help us gain media coverage – women whose cancer was discovered through screening – we would be very glad to hear of them.
Paper copies of the feedback from can be sent to NHS England, 23, Stephenson Street Birmingham B2 4BJ or collated electronically as you prefer.

Macmillan Cancer Support - The Cancer Line And How It Can Help

There are many videos Macmillan have made accessible to show the support they can provide, please click on the link below -

There is further information and videos available on the Cancer Research UK Website, please click on the link below -


NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Campaign


Men Like us Cancer Support Group

ICan Cancer Rehabilitation Service

ICan is a FREE holistic activity therapy course aimed at people living with cancer. It has been launched in partnership with the area's main cancer charity. The ICan programme has been designed to help cancer patients build on their physical activity and fitness, as well as learn more about managing fatigue, nutrition and mental health.

Click on the link for further information on how to access the course.



Living Well Sessions For People Affected By Cancer

The Survivorship Team would love to see you at one of our upcoming Living Well Sessions. More information about these FREE sessions can be found on the link - Living With and Beyond Cancer Programme - SaTH







Living With & Beyond Cancer App


Cancer Champions Multi-Lingual Topics

Lingen Davies Cancer Fund and Qube Oswestry Community Action have worked with local Cancer Champions to develop a range of multi-lingual videos. These videos are provided in a range of languages to provide patients with help and information on cancer, relevant services and much more. The videos have been found effective for people who speak little to no English and who have low levels of literacy.



Full video           Breast Cancer         Cervical Cancer          Bowel Cancer           Signs and Symptoms




Full video         Breast Cancer        Cervical Cancer          Bowel Cancer          Signs and Symptoms




Full video         Breast Cancer        Cervical Cancer          Bowel Cancer          Signs and Symptoms




Full video         Breast Cancer        Cervical Cancer          Bowel Cancer          Signs and Symptoms




Full video         Breast Cancer        Cervical Cancer        Bowel Cancer          Signs and Symptoms


Mixed Languages


Breast Cancer       Cervical Cancer        Bowel Cancer          Signs and Symptoms


Shropshire Cancer Screening

'Get Yourself Checked' is the message from GPs, Clinical Pharmacists and healthcare professionals across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. Patients and members of the public are being encouraged to schedule regular screening check-ups with their GP practice to help catch the early signs of cancer. 

'Get Yourself Checked' is about cervical screening (a smear test), tying into the national campaign, but will also focus on bowel and breast screening checks too. 

Health checks are available, free of charge to help detect cervical cancer, bowel cancer and breast cancer and we encourage everyone to take them up. If you've missed an appointment or have not taken up a screening invite, please contact the surgery today on 01952 620138 and our Reception team will assist you in booking your appointment.

The following leaflets contain useful information to guide you in making your decision to attend your screening appointment:

Launched by The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), the Living With & Beyond Cancer App is free and has been developed in collaboration with people living with and beyond cancer, local NHS cancer specialists and other organisations who provide services for people affected by cancer.

As well as being a resource for people living with and beyond cancer in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and Powys, this information app can also be downloaded for people who are supporting people following a diagnosis as well as other healthcare professionals across the county.

What information does it contain?

  • About the hospitals, the treatment you may have and the teams you may meet
  • Services that may benefit you
  • Living With & Beyond Cancer Programme; empowering people throughout treatment and beyond
  • Signposting to other services or organisations that may be able to offer you support
  • An events calendar keeping you up to date on what is happening near you
  • Constant up-to-date information from other organisations and services
  • What is happening near you in the community
  • Good news articles, keeping you up to date what is happening for people affected by cancer throughout Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and Powys
  • A contact directory where you can contact teams directly through a click of a button

Further information and to download the app please see the attached flyer here


Useful Links

Cancer - Healthtalkonline

Healthtalkonline is an award-winning charity website, lets you share in other people's experiences of health and illness. An excellent resource compiled after interviewing a wide range of people suffering from heart disease.

Cancer - BUPA

An excellent resource with useful video, audio, images and references relating to differing forms of Cancer, the causes and treatments.


Free information service provided by Cancer Research UK about cancer and cancer care for people with cancer and their families. Information is formatted in such a way that makes understanding the website an easy process.

Macmillan Cancer Support

Europe's leading cancer information charity, with over 4500 pages of up to date cancer information, practical advice and support for cancer patients, their families and carers.

Leukaemia Care

Leukaemia Care is the UK's leading leukaemia charity. For over 50 years, they have been dedicated to ensuring that everyone affected receives the best possible diagnosis, information, advice, treatment and support.


Further information about symptoms, treatment, causes and prevention of Cancer.

These links all come from trusted resources but if you are unsure about these or any other medical matters please contact your doctor or pharmacist for advice.