Mature Adult/Elderly Support

Community Falls Prevention Classes


For residents of Telford and Wrekin:

These sessions also help free up capacity in the Falls Prevention Classes which offer residents aged 65 who have a history of falls, are at risk or have a fear of falling, and are registered with a Telford and Wrekin GP. 


This is a free 20-week programme designed to improve postural stability, muscular strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance which will help improve mobility, reducing the risk of falling. Anyone interested must register their interest to join a class before attending. 

GPs can make referrals to this programme via EMISS or by visiting Community preventing falls through exercise – Fit4All.

Moving on

Moving On – Gentle Seated and Standing Community Exercise Classes


For residents of Telford and Wrekin:

Telford & Wrekin Council have funded Fit 4 All, falls prevention exercise specialists to deliver a NEW community-based programme called Moving On.

These new gentle seated and standing sessions take place across Telford have been designed to help people aged 50+ maintain their strength, mobility, and balance, helping all to stay steadier on their feet. 

It is also a great session for residents to connect with others in their local community. The cost is £3 per session or £10 for 4. 

Refer patients here Moving On exercise classes – Fit4All to find out more.

Community Preventing Falls Through Exercise Service

This service is designed to improve the postural stability of older people through a 20 week falls exercise programme. The aim is to improve muscular strength, flexibility, coordination and balance which will help improve mobility, reduce the risk of falling and maintain independence.

The Fit4All website has more information including a weekly class timetable. Classes are based in varying locations throughout Telford and Wrekin.

Seasonal Flu Vaccination

Seasonal Flu Vaccination

Influenza - flu - is a highly infectious and potentially serious illness caused by influenza viruses. Each year the make-up of the seasonal flu vaccine is designed to protect against the influenza viruses that the World Health Organization decide are most likely to be circulating in the coming winter.

Regular immunisation (vaccination) is given free of charge to the following at-risk people, to protect them from seasonal flu:

  • People aged 65 or over
  • People with a serious medical condition
  • If you are pregnant
  • People living in a residential or nursing home
  • The main carers for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer becomes ill
  • Healthcare or social care professionals directly involved in patient care

For more information on flu immunisation, including background information on the vaccine and how you can get the jab, see Seasonal flu jab

HPA - Seasonal Flu Guide

Seasonal Flu Factsheet

Eating Well & Exercise - Helping You Maintain a Healthy Body

We're bombarded with scare stories about weight, from size zero to the obesity 'epidemic'. But a healthy body is determined by different factors for each of us.

NHS Good Food Guide - Information on a healthy diet and ays to make it work for you.

NHS - Why be active?- Even a little bit of exercise will make you feel better about yourself, boost your confidence and cut your risk of developing a serious illness.

These links all come from trusted resources but if you are unsure about these or any other medical matters please contact your doctor or pharmacist for advice.


Take Five to Age Well

Take Five to Age Well offers five steps to boost your health and wellbeing.

The campaign invites you to join a UK-wide community making small daily changes for better ageing.

We are asking you to choose and keep up the healthy change(s) for one month, pledging your commitment to ageing well.

For more information and to sign up, please click HERE.





Shropshire Falls Prevention Services

Elevate Strength and Balance Programme by Energize Shropshire Telford & Wrekin clinical frailty scale 1-3 aimed at people aged over 60 who are not housebound, able to access community venues, able to take part in sitting and standing activity unaided but who have balance issues, lost strength and/or confidence or at risk of a fall. Referrals can be made via Health Care Professionals or by the person themselves.

The service deliver progressive, evidence-based strength and balance classes across Shropshire.

For more information, please visit
