Safeguarding Information

The leaf project
What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding means protecting a citizen's health, wellbeing and human rights enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. It is an integral part of providing high-quality health care. Safeguarding children, young people and adults is a collective responsibility and we will use this page on our website to share resources and contact details for additional support that is available to those affected.
Domestic Abuse
"Ask for ANI" Codeword Scheme
What is Ask for ANI?
Ask for ANI (Action Needed Immediately) is a codeword scheme that provides a safe, discreet and confidential way for victims of domestic abuse to access immediate help from their local pharmacy or jobcentre.
How does it work?
Use the postcode HERE to find your nearest participating pharmacy or jobcentre.
Go to the location, approach a member of staff and Ask for ANI ('Please can I speak to ANI?') or ask to use a Safe Space ('Do you have a Safe Space available'?).
You will be taken to a private space where a trained member of staff will support you and you can decide what to do next.
Sexual Assault and Sexual Abuse Information for People Seeking Asylum
Sexual assault or abuse can happen to anyone; it may be a single event or happen repeatedly. Below you can find important information from the NHS on your legal rights and how to access help for past or current sexual abuse or assault.
Everyone has the right to live free of abuse. Sexual assault and sexual abuse are crimes. You have a legal right to report any incident. This will not affect your asylum claim.
A new information booklet for asylum seekers, dealing with the subject of sexual assault or abuse is available, it provides important information from the NHS on legal rights and how to acccess help for past or current sexual abuse, or assault.
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
Exploitation is defind by the Home Office as occurring "when an individual or group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, control, manipulate or deceive [a child]. The victim may have been criminally exploited even if the activity appears consensual. Criminal exploitation does not always involve physical contact; it can also be through the use of technology".
There are several types of exploitation, including:
- Sexual: victims can be forced, or appear willing, to work in the sex industry in a variety of locations. Often involves the use of the internet and can involve children
- Labour: victims work for offenders directly or for others and have their wages 'taxed' for living expenses by an offender
- Criminal: victims are forced or coerced into criminal activities
- Domestic servitude: a domestic helper or worker who performs a variety of tasks within their employer's home, but there are restrictions on the worker's movements, and they are forced to work long hours for little pay. They may also suffer physical and sexual abuse
- Forced marriage: when a person is put under pressure to marry someone, and can be threatened with physical or sexual violence or are placed under emotional or psychological distress in order to achieve these aims
- Organ harvesting: victim's organs, blood or eggs may be taken to be sold
If you or someone you know is at risk or is being exploited, there are may places you can go to get help and support.
The Holly Project is a Telford based charity providing support for survivors of Child Sexual Exploitation and their families which is run by survivors of CSE. This is a free, independent support service for the survivors of Child Sexual Exploitation and their families, it is a safe place for those affected by CSE to get support and advice from people who have experienced the trauma and impact of CSE. The Holly Project aims to help survivors rebuild their lives and offer them hope for the future.
The Holly Project is born out of need. It's workers felt there was not a safe place for survivors or their families to go to or people they could talk to who truly understood their experiences.
Please visit The Holly Project website HERE
Other useful links
The Shropshire Safeguarding Partnership
The Glade - provides support for survivors of rape or serious sexual assault in the West Mercia area with Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs) in Wellington, Telford and Bransford, Worcestershire. Victims/survivors can call the 24 hours support line even if they do not wish to report the incident to the police.
West Mercia Police CSE - for more information regarding CSE, the signs and accessing help and support.
CATE (Children Abused Through Exploitation) team
The West Mercia Survivor Pathway - this is an online resource for victims/survivors of sexual assault and their supporters (including professionals involved in their care). It is an intergated resource which aims to promote understanding around sexual violence, provide options for victims/survivors, and to ensure safety is paramount for each person. Specialist support services are found HERE including Sexual Assault Referral Centres, guide to reporting and the Crown Prosecution Service and Safeguarding contacts.
If you or someone you know is at risk or is being exploited, there are a number of agencies you can contact for advice and support. Please tell someone.
- Family Connect have a range of information on their website including signposting and resources, for children and young people who have been affected by exploitation
- Telford& Wrekin Council have a dedicated Children Absued Through Exploitation (CATE) team, who work with those affected by exploitation. For referral to this service, please contact Family Connect on 01952 385285
- Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) is a law enforcement agenc, and can be used to report a concern about CSE via thier website
- West Mercia Police can be contacted if you want to report an incident or any suspicions you may have, and this can be done by either ringing 101 which is the non-emergency number, or by going to your local police station to speak to someone in person
Survivor Pathway West Mercia - Sexual Violence Support Services in the West Mercia Region
The Survivor Pathway is an online resource for anyone wanting to know more about sexual violence support services in the West Mercia region, including Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin.
Funded by the NHS and delivered by Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion, as part of his Safer West Mercia Plan commitment to put victims and survivors first, the platform also includes helpful information on sexual health, child sexual exploitation, reporting to the police and going to court.
The pathway can be accessed 24/7 at -